Hyperhidrosis Management

Hyperhidrosis can be the cause of significant discomfort and embarrassment. You may have trouble working or enjoying recreational activities because of wet hands or feet or wet stains on clothing.

If an underlying medical condition is contributing to the problem, that condition will need to be treated first. If no clear cause can be found, treatment using neurotoxins can be very successful. During the procedure, a very fine needle is used to inject tiny amounts of neurotoxin just under the skin intermittently throughout the area of excessive sweating. To ease any potential discomfort, a topical anaesthetic is applied for about an hour prior to the treatment.

After your initial treatment, we like to see you in for a follow-up appointment in approximately 1 month. Neurotoxin injections do not cure hyperhidrosis; your symptoms will go away gradually and return gradually. Follow-up injections are required to maintain dryness. These repeat injections may be necessary at intervals varying from 7 to 16 months.

Lifestyle considerations


  • Regular bathing and drying your skin throughly but gently

  • Quality over-the-counter antiperspirant or perscription antiperspirant may be required

Medical Treatments

  • Eliminate medical causes

  • Prescription antiperspirant

  • Neurotoxin injections